For the 21st Century Indian Women, Sky is only the limit. Gone are the days when our ladies lived inside their veils and most of their lives were spent taking care of the house. Times have changed, our women are educated, ambitious and are ready to align their shoulders with men in all fields. Although women have moved out, are working and are contributing to the upliftment of standard of living of their families, yet they have not given up the primary job of managing the house. Taking care of the family, raising kids in itself is not an easy task. And our women handle both without complain, and thus they are also often called Goddess Durga of modern times. While the Goddess had ten hands, our ladies multitask with just two hands.
Many women find it difficult to manage everything, and many have to quit their jobs, fulfilling their unbroken commitment towards their families or because their husbands are relocating and they have to follow. Some women may simply want to be self employed and working 10-7 in a Corporate is just not our cup of tea. Deep within we know we don't want to spend our free time watching the daily soaps, or going for kitty parties, we want financial independence, we yearn the satisfaction of contributing something to our families and the society.
Financial Advisory Profession can help you appease your craving for financial independence and your desire for earning the recognition and satisfaction you deserve. Financial Advisory can give you:
Money: Financial Advisory business can help you gain some serious bucks for yourself. In advisory business, there isn't any upper limit to the money that you can earn. Hard work and Returns are directly proportional here, the more you stretch, the more will be the number of zeros in your remuneration cheque.
Confidence: It is not just about money, financial advisory is a white collar job and is one of the most respected professions. Working and realizing your full potential, though will wear you out, but at the end of the day, when you look into the mirror, you'll be a more confident person everyday.
Heaps of Knowledge: Cooking, cleaning, washing are all very important chores and are an integral part of our living, as they are essential for living a hygienic and organised life, but the irony is they are not contributing much to our learning. Financial Advisors get to imbibe a plethora of knowledge, because you get to meet diverse people, you get to talk, share insights on various aspects which are financial or otherwise. Moreover, to explain your products and services, you need to know a lot, and you get to get a lot of education in the process. Each passing day makes you a wiser person.
Utilisation of time and Brain: A day is made of 24 hours minus the 8 hours of sleep, and we are left with 16 hours. Out of these 16 hours, even if you spend 8 hours on other commitments to yourself, or your family or to others, you are left with good 8 hours to yourself. You can kill these 8 hours by engaging in unproductive activities or you can utilize these 8 hours by working and becoming a more profound person. Choice is yours!
Spending your own money: When you go out of the house, your wallet has the money which was given to you by your husband or your father, for your personal expenses and for the monthly household expenses. Whenever you pass by a Luxury Spa outlet or a Swarovski store, you control the urge to splurge because you know it is someone else's hard earned money, or the money is limited or you may have to give an account of the expenses. But when it is your own hard earned money, cheat meals are allowed at times ;-).
Satisfaction of helping others: The job of a financial advisor is a noble job. Your clients are building their wealth because of your advise. You client's daughter will have a wedding of her dreams because you are there to advise him today. Your client will go for a world tour with his wife after his retirement because you are there to advise him today. Fulfillment of someone's goals will bring a smile of achievement on their face and a smile of satisfaction on yours.
Work Life Balance: Lastly and most importantly, financial advisory business helps you maintain an optimum work life balance. There aren't any fixed hours, you can work as per your ease. You don't have to ask for leaves and don't have to wait for Monday morning either to resume work.
So, for those women who want to do something big in life, Financial Advisory is just the right thing to do. So ladies wake up and do what you have always wanted to do.
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