In this week's issue, instead of an article, we have chosen to give you a glimpse of the industry and it's trend ending December 2015. We hope this analysis will help you get some valuable insights into the industry and its' composition.





Investor Categoy wise Holdings and Average Holding Period

Key Observations:

  • Assets managed by the Indian mutual fund industry has grown from Rs. 10.51 trillion in December 2014 to Rs. 12.75 trillion in December 2015. That represents a 21.26% growth in assets during CY 2015.

  • The Equity asset class registered an impressive growth of nearly 27% during CY2015 in AUM. The composition of Equity oriented schemes have risen during the year and it stood at 31.28% in December 2015.

  • The Debt asset class registered a growth of 12.10% during the year but it's composition fell by nearly 3.68 in absolute terms in the overall assets.

  • As a category, most impressive growth in assets was recorded by the Balanced schemes of over 72%, followed by Liquid Funds at over 30%.

  • There are 45,853,274 folio accounts in the mutual fund industry as at December 2015, of which 99% is accounted for by individual investors.

  • As per AMFI, individual investors now hold almost the same share of industry’s assets, i.e 45.9% in December 2015, compared with 46.0% in December 2014. Institutional investors account for 54.1% of the assets, of which corporates are dominant with 86.5% of assets. The rest are Indian and foreign institutions and banks.

  • The institutional investors have a share of over 92% of assets in Liquid Funds but only 17% in Equity Schemes where individuals are the prominent asset holders. In Debt asset class too, the institutional clients dominate with 61% holding of assets.

  • As per AMFI, 59 % of total individual investor assets are held in equity oriented schemes followed by Debt at over 36%. Individual investors held only 4% in liquid funds and less than 1% in ETFs & FoFs.

  • Nearly 81% of the investor folio accounts are in Equity schemes while 17% folio accounts are in Debt funds. Liquid and money market funds account for less than 1% of folio accounts.

  • Individual investors account for the most of the accounts, across fund types. In liquid and money market funds, they hold the least number, at about 92% of the total accounts. Instituional investors have only 0.8% of folios in Equity funds but have nearly 17% of assets.

  • 37% of the industry assets came directly. A large portion of the direct investments were in non-equity shemes where institutional investors dominate. Only 10% of retail investors assets are invested directly while 15% of HNI investor's assets (ticket size above Rs.5 lakh) were invested directly.

  • Equity assets have a longer average holding period as compared to non-equity assets. 37% of equity assets have been held for periods greater than 24 months. Non-equity assets have been primarily held for periods less than a month (institutional assets in money market) or less than a year (other debt schemes).

Source: Information has been collated from AMFI & SEBI websites.


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